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Die LARDIS-Produktwelt im Detail

LARDIS offers hard­ware and soft­ware opti­mal­ly matched from a sin­gle source — from radio con­trol con­so­les to uni­ver­sal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on centers


Das LAR­DIS-Basis­sys­tem für die Ein­satz­lei­tung im sta­tio­nä­ren Betrieb oder mobil im ELW..



Die Funk­steu­er­kon­so­le für das Fahrer­haus mit Einsatzzielführung.



Die LAR­DIS-Welt zum Mit­neh­men. Robust, trag­bar und über­all einsetzbar.


Our LARDIS sales partners will be happy to advise you

You will find LARDIS all over Euro­pe! Always included: Indi­vi­du­al advice for pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mers, smooth instal­la­ti­on by expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nals, dedi­ca­ted life­time ser­vice and sup­port for all customers.

Lardis-Vertriebsgebiete: Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz

Main distributor for each country

In Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria and Switz­er­land, a local main sales part­ner with direct cont­acts is available for you in each case. For any other coun­try plea­se cont­act us directly.


Mehr als 25 Systempartner

Tog­e­ther with the main dis­tri­bu­tors, a lar­ge net­work of LARDIS sys­tem part­ners will pro­vi­de advice and instal­la­ti­on at your site.


Technical support hotline

In case of ques­ti­ons, all LARDIS cus­to­mers can cont­act their per­so­nal sup­port repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the sys­tem part­ner or the main dis­tri­bu­tor and the cen­tral LARDIS tech­ni­cal sup­port hotline.

LARDIS does not have customers, but fans!

Ask LARDIS users about their experiences!

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